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2nd Battalion 5th
Cavalry Regiment
1st Brigade
1st Cavalry Division
March 7, 2003 - Ft. Hood, Texas
The present day C 2/5 Cavalry is a totally different unit than the one we served with in Viet Nam. They ride Bradley Fighting Vehicles into combat instead of Hueys. All the men who serve are volunteers. They wear BDUs rather than jungle fatigues. They go by the name of "Charlie Rock" rather than Tall Comanche. But, they are a group of superbly trained, very dedicated men with the same toughness exhibited by the men of C 2/5 Cav in Viet Nam The entire 1st Cavalry Division received deployment orders to southwest Asia on March 3, 2003. Because of the efforts of Charlie Dickey (artillery forward observer team, 1969), I was invited to represent C 2/5 Cav troopers of the Viet Nam era at a Dining-In. Most of us have never taken part in a Dining-In as we were a bit too busy in combat to hold one. It is a traditional, formal dinner celebrating the heritage of the regiment. It is full of pomp, dress uniforms, and speeches. It is also a time to drink, smoke cigars, and have a lot of fun. It was truly an honor and a privilege to join with LTC Gary Volesky (Battalion Commander), CPT Darrell Gayle (Commander of Company C) , First Sergeant Casey Carson, and the other officers and NCOs of the Battalion, in a final get-together before they ship out. I was proud to represent all the men who served with C 2/5 Cav in Vietnam - and to remember our men who did not return. The current day soldiers know of us too - the C Company Day Room is named for our Medal of Honor winner, PFC Billy Lauffer. I told them of the difficult task that lay ahead - - not in whipping the Iraqi army, but in upholding the honor and record of those of us who preceded them. As I looked out over the room, I have absolutely no doubt they will do just that! Keep today's troopers in your thoughts and prayers. Douglas
Young For more on the current-day 2/5 Cavalry Addendum: Since this page was written in March 2003, the deployment orders to Iraq were cancelled. CPT Troy Denomy assumed command from CPT Gayle on May 2nd, 2003. Most importantly, C 2/5 Cav now carries the name "Comanche" instead of "Charlie Rock."
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I am flanked by 1SG Casey Carson and CPT Darrell Gayle Click on Photo to See Larger Version |
This pocket coin is carried by the members of C 2/5 Cav - shown actual size. |
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Updated May 22, 2003