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Today we held services for Billy Joe "Doc" Manning. Manning was in C 2/5 69-70. He wanted the full meal deal and we wanted him to have it. the awards of 3 Silver Stars were read as well as Purple Heart and Bronze Star. 1st Cav attendees included myself, 11th AVN, and a mutual friend James Plovanic from C 1/5 1st Cav. 05/07/2021
Guestbook Entry 336 Billings, MT United States - Friday, May 07, 2021 at 20:24:04 (CST)

Cody Rhodes

Hello, My name is Cody Rhodes. My grandfather was PFC Kenneth Rorick and was assigned to CO C 2/5 CAV 1st CAV Div in Vietnam. He died 22 April 1967. My aunt is trying to get in touch with some of his battle buddies but it's proving difficult. She has letters from 1LT Clarence William Kehoe, SGT Willie Everhart, and CPT Don Markham. If anyone can help with our search it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Guestbook Entry 335 Fort Hood, Texas USA - Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 20:44:54 (CST)


I have downloaded, bound & read Bob Hutton's book- "Gypsies". I have question regarding Chapter 70 "Rita Overrun", in that I have searched high & low for official after action accounts & records in regards to this battle. Here is the link to chapter 70: I had read elsewhere on the site that Bob Hutton's time in country was Mar-68 to Apr-69. In the Rita Overrun chapter, he mentions having only 2 weeks to DEROS, giving a rough time-frame for the battle. Any clarification will be greatly appreciated. Rich Magner Tiger 38, D229th (Smiling Tigers), 1st Cav 68/69
Guestbook Entry 334 Glastonbury, CT USA - Friday, May 01, 2020 at 12:33:25 (CST)

joe blow

you make history that is false. d co. 2/5 built lz ike and on the 18 19 20 of june kept the lz iniake and you didn't have anything to do with it
Guestbook Entry 333 bullshit, arizona USA - Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 07:07:53 (CST)

Steve ONeill

Just checking in after reading story about LZ Rita l have cav news paper my mother saved about gypsy battalion I helped set up LZ defense when we took it over and was on one of the last choppers out
Guestbook Entry 332 Vineland, Nj USA - Friday, July 05, 2019 at 16:52:18 (CST)

Steve Collinsworth

Thanks so much for all the information on Comanche, 2/5th, and the battles you fought on and around Ike. I was a scout pilot with A Troop, 1/9th, and my hunter/killer team had 1st light mission the morning of the 4th where we hunted down the NVA that hit Ike the night before. We found their trail and followed it a few clicks to the NE of Ike, and after the 3rd pass over a point where we lost any signs of foot traffic a .51 Cal. position opened up on my aircraft, an OH-6A. All three of us on board were wounded, my observer the worst. He was a SPC 4 flying in left front seat, armed with an M16. One of the 1st 51 Cal rounds hit his M16 in the firing chamber, rendering it useless and he threw it out and got on the controls with me. He had a huge chunk of shrapnel in his right forearm. We made it to another nearby FSB and landed, where my observer was treated, while the Cobra covering us was engaging the NVA unit that fired on us. Our Blue platoon was inserted later that day near we took fire, to see what they could find. And one of our lift ships took my crew back to Tay Ninh for further treatment.
Guestbook Entry 331 Carrollton, Dallas USA - Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 18:59:50 (CST)


Feb.7. We were walkin with a new Capt.[Burt] Change of command was on Ike on the 6th of Feb.Not much time to get to know him or how he worked. He was cautious,did a lot of recons. We were headed into a major confrontation with the gooks,but at the time we didnt know it.Set up that night was routine.
Guestbook Entry 330 Blandon, PA USA - Thursday, February 07, 2019 at 13:31:23 (CST)

Alfred Johnson

The Divison left Fort Lewis to Seattle International Air Port to Oakland Navy Base, boarded USS sullivan to South Vietnam, landing in Quion. I served with " C Btry " 1966 . recon radio operator and driver. I have never attented any annual meetings , never got to know or got close to anyone my entire time in Vietnam. I am an old man now, looking back at yesterday and all the years and wondering where has all of my life gone. don't seem to be able to recall much of anything in my pass life it's like I am in a dream. wish you all a great year.
Guestbook Entry 329 SeaTac, Washington USA - Monday, January 21, 2019 at 23:23:18 (CST)


what ever happened to D co. never see anything mentioned about it.
Guestbook Entry 328 bishop, california USA - Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 05:12:27 (CST)

joe blow

lz 8ike was not built by c 2/5; it was built by d 2/5. d was there first right after the bulldozers were done moving jungle back and don't forget d 2/5 was the company hit on lz ike in june
Guestbook Entry 327 bum fuck, idaho USA - Saturday, November 04, 2017 at 05:52:14 (CST)

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