Mike Ruffle |

mike@eleven-bravo.co.uk |

http://www.eleven-bravo.co.uk |

Just read the article about Combat Air Assaults and was very impressed. It's rare to find such detailed accounts of how things were organised and carried out at the sharp end so to speak. I have linked to this article from my own Vietnam site since I believe it to be one of the few really descriptive and informative accounts available. Absolutely first rate. |
Guestbook Entry 87 |
Manchester, USA - Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 15:41:08 (CST) |

Robert Lisenby |

robertandkathylisenby@embarqmail.com |


Served with 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, C-2-5 from May 70 to November 70.Walked point mostly, was a fire team leader also, and occasionally did the tunnels.Looking for anyone from that time, especially Larry Speight (Rat), my best friend while there.My memories are not clear anymore on a lot of things, but I will never forget the medic who treated me for wounds, and the POW I sat with while he was dying.I love you all, hope to come to the next re-union. ( Indian) |
Guestbook Entry 86 |
Star, North Carolina USA - Sunday, July 15, 2007 at 11:56:10 (CST) |

Ellen Neumann |

hh73050@aol.com |

http://www.gerisgenes.com |

My husband Eric has asked me to write a note to TALL COMANCHE and let you all know how much he loved and appreciated all the cards , letters and phone calls he recieved while hospitalized. He is home now, still recieving treatment for the cancer that has effected his lungs and brain. AGENT ORANGE, no maybe's. The brotherhood and love you have all shown has gotten him through the worst of this so far. Narcicso Reyes , Dennis Duran & Lonnie "Doc" Branch came from afar to sit with Eric, help him get through the first and the worst rounds of aggressive, ugly chemo. Lonnie rode with him in an ambulance and looked after him , just as he had so many many years ago. Dennis made Eric laugh when he did not think he could ever laugh again.....Narcisco hugged him tight, and kept watch on that first day after the diagnosis.......These men are heros to me. To stop their lives to come to my husband in his darkest hour.........Tree . Jim M, Luther, Tex, Greek, Danny, Gary, Eddie, John , Bob and so many more.....If I am forgetting to thank anyone personally please forgive me, I am exhausted . Eric just finished his second round of treatments today, is really battered and we have not slept too much........He can not walk very well, is eating and not nauseaus [all of yyour prayers I am sure have accomplished this] and is looking toward the day when he again can be with you all. He looks each day for cards and emails from you , and you have not let him down.........I appreciate that you keep sending them even though we have not been able to answer you.....Keep sending them, he loves it ........ On a personal note am also blessed to have many good friends who are the wives of many of you. Cheryl Duran , the best . Laura Manchin, from day one and while dealing with her own problems, stayed close,, Joan Kunk, Patrica Russell, Denise Branch, Ray Reyes and so many others have offered me their shoulders to cry on and their shoulders to help me bear what I cannot.......I love you girls ---thank you just does not cover it .... |
Guestbook Entry 85 |
Liberty, New York USA - Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 22:11:07 (CST) |

Molli Oliver |

bfit2fly@aol.com |


I am the neice of the Late ( Col. Kenneth, Mertel). Your website is wonderful. Thank you. His motto was: DRIVE ON ALL THE WAY God Bless all of you and all of our troops. My other Uncle was MIA, B-24 copilot, shot down February 26, 1943.-1lt Clifford R. Oliver, Jr, 1st SQ, 480 ASG, stationed at St. Eval. |
Guestbook Entry 84 |
Los Angeles, CA USA - Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 17:37:13 (CST) |

Steven Krchmar |

skrch1@hotmail.com |


I would like to thank you for a great web site. I was a member of Charlie Co. in 70/71. I still have some trouble with Nam but I'm learning to handle it. Keep up the great work |
Guestbook Entry 83 |
Pittsburgh, Pa USA - Wednesday, July 04, 2007 at 07:54:05 (CST) |
Guestbook Entry 82 |
duluth, georgia USA - Sunday, July 01, 2007 at 19:35:14 (CST) |

gerhard mcbride |

jmcbrid4@rochester.rr.com |


A CO 2/5 now has there own web site.go to http://www.leanapache.org/ hope all is doing well and god bless:o)) |
Guestbook Entry 81 |
rochester, ny USA - Sunday, July 01, 2007 at 17:08:59 (CST) |

SFC Elizabeth Gaut US Army |

elizabeth.gaut@us.army.mil |


I want to thank you all again for giving me the privilege to be able to share my promotion with Charlie Company during the October 2006 Reunion. It was truly an honor to be among America's finest. You are my heroes. Take care of you and I look very forward to seeing you again soon. God Bless Charlie Company and God Bless America. |
Guestbook Entry 80 |
Springfield, VA USA - Saturday, June 30, 2007 at 20:41:19 (CST) |

Bob Moore |

sqcdg@aol.com |


The pictures from the last St Louis reunion look great. It was good to see them aagain. Prayers also go out to Eric Neumann on his current battle Bob |
Guestbook Entry 79 |
Mishawaka, In USA - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at 07:10:32 (CST) |

Doug Hendrixson |

doug.hendrixson@ci.denver.co.us |


Every single one of us "brothers-in-arms" need to send a postcard, E-Card, or a letter of encouragement to Eric & Ellen Neumann. Whether you're personally religious or not, we all need to keep Eric in our thoughts and prayers in this very difficult time. Thanks, Tree, for your part in keeping us all apprised of Eric's situation. |
Guestbook Entry 78 |
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 09:46:20 (CST) |