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Summary - April 1966

To be written

April 1-10

Charlie Company worked along with rest of the battalion to build the An Khe base camp, and do routine local patrolling. This was called "barrier duty" in official documents in 1966. The battalion was relieved from this duty on April 10th by the 1/12th Cavalry. (Source: Annual Historical Report, Calendar Year 1966, 2/5 Cav, Operations in the Republic of Vietnam, undated)

April 11-20

While at An Khe, preparation was made for the next operation.  (Source: Annual Historical Report, Calendar Year 1966, 2/5 Cav, Operations in the Republic of Vietnam, undated)

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April 21 - May 3

C 2/5 Cav participated in Operation Mosley II, in the Kontum area of the Central Highlands. The operation began with a combat assault into LZ Hook. (AR 912678) (Anyone with more knowledge of LZ Hook please contact the Webmaster. Was it an airfield? Did it have a large artillery unit? Was it semi-permanent?) C Company remained on the LZ as security for the battalion CP, while the other companies swept the area, but later rotated with the other companies and took its turn in the field. During the entire operation, only a few suspected Viet Cong were detained, though some large caches of rice and small arms ammunition were found.  (Source: Annual Historical Report, Calendar Year 1966, 2/5 Cav, Operations in the Republic of Vietnam, undated)

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April 26

The company moved to Kontum for a battalion stand down.  (Source: Annual Historical Report, Calendar Year 1966, 2/5 Cav, Operations in the Republic of Vietnam, undated)

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April - Exact Date Unknown

If you were ever at An Khe, you saw this huge Cav patch painted on the side of Hon Kong.  (Hon means hill in Vietnamese.)  Originally, Hon Kong was outside the perimeter, but on February 20, 1966, the VC launched a major mortar and infantry attack in which five troopers were killed, and another forty seven wounded.  (Source: HQ 1st Air Cav Div Tactical Operations Center Forward G3 Log dtd 20 Feb 66).  Immediately after that, the perimeter was expanded to include Hon Kong, and the patch was painted.  We don't know when this photo was taken, nor do we have the dates the patch was painted.

Comanche_Hon_Cong_Cav_Patch_from_Irizarry.jpg (63302 bytes)
Click on Photo to See Larger Version

Courtesy Edgar Irizarry

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Updated September 10, 2006