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Harold bonin

i was with tall commanch Apr 69-nov 69. Ienjoy reading and relivingsome of them. thankyou
Guestbook Entry 187 raleigh, north carolina USA - Monday, May 11, 2009 at 18:19:12 (CST)

cherie Kupcik

I just noted a picture of Bill Narcus and I was wondering if anyone knew where he is today. I am just a long lost friend from the old neighborhood in Chicago. Maiden name was Watts.
Guestbook Entry 186 Cloverdale, CA USA - Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 16:52:56 (CST)

Doug Hendrixson

To Jordan Rothstein, I can't say I knew your father Spc.4 Arnold Rothstein, but I can say that I was assigned to the 1/77th ARTY on LZ Ike during the time period you mentioned. I can also say the Combat Engineers were great American heroes and did a great job in building the fire base infrastructure at Ike. Those of you who remember when LZ Ike was being built, we were subjected to frequent rocket and mortar attacks, along with a few sapper attacks as well. For some reason, the NVA didn't want us there, at that specific location.
Guestbook Entry 185 Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 20:21:35 (CST)

Doug Hendrixson

Hey, troopers, Here is a great article that appeared in the May issue of the Legion Magazine, written by the famed Lt. Gen. Hal G. Moore, hero of the 1st Cav. battle of the Ia Drang Valley (LZ X-RAY):
Guestbook Entry 184 Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 20:11:40 (CST)

jordan Rothstein

hi guys id like to thank yall and appreciate your sevice in vietnam. My father had a really hard time after Hurricane ike last year causing him to seek help at the VA and my mom told me it brought back memories from a LZ he was on in vietnam named IKE. he was spc 4 arnold rothstein from Pennsylvania at the time and he was a combat engineer with the air cav, C Company 1969-1971. if anybody knew him please contact. again thank you and god bless.
Guestbook Entry 183 gonzales, Louisiana USA - Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 03:47:12 (CST)

Jay Mahn

Good site..But as a member of the long Range recon Platoon(LRRP/ARP) of the 11th Cav the 11th Cav was commanded by then Col Donn Starry(Later Gen Donn Starry) who was wounded along with the CSM of the Regt at the Airfield at Snoul trying to remove a Bunker emplacement. The LRRP/ARP's were inserted on the Airfield shortly after this and moved into the city to eliminate house to house(What was left of the buildings) any threat that the tanks and Acavs were experiencing. Great site and I enjoyed being attached to the 1st Cav.
Guestbook Entry 182 Florence, Az USA - Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 12:53:17 (CST)

James Machin

Years ago I got in contact with the Family of James King. At the time the response was not very good. I was like many of us in C 2/5 was at "The Hill" and feel that we need to be very careful in just who we talk to about such events. We owe it "our guys" to protect them from just anyone asking. Guys, check out the people that are asking us. Make sure they are for real. Tree
Guestbook Entry 181 Saint Charles, IL USA - Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 11:33:01 (CST)

Keith King

My cousin was with your unit and was KIA in 1967 at 'The Hill'. He is James King, I would like to correspond with anyone who knew him and would be willing to contact me.
Guestbook Entry 180 Brandon, MS USA - Friday, March 13, 2009 at 20:44:37 (CST)

Duane Whitley

John McCorkle, again thank you for running me down. I've been over both web sites and it is amazing how good it makes me feel to be a part of the Cav brothers. I have another request. Do you have Capt. Carton's email address. I would really like to gat in touch with him.. Also I am disappointed that I will not be able to attend the mini reunion in Tampa. My niece is getting married that weekend, on May 16. I love her like a daughter and I won't be able to attend. Thanks for including me in as a Cav brother. God Bless Each and everyone of you. Duane
Guestbook Entry 179 Baxley, Georgia USA - Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 18:29:03 (CST)

john McCorkle

It's good to see Duane Whitley again after all these years. Actually, all I did was make a phone call to get in touch. Darvyn Brandt (71-72) did all the research. We are looking forward to finding more of our brothers. Blessings to all...
Guestbook Entry 178 Jacksonville, IL USA - Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 12:51:16 (CST)

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