Geoffrey Seymour |

svseacritter@hotmail.com |


I was in the 3/18th in 66'-67' I am looking for a friend Dave Coffman I spent a lot of time in Camp Radcliff. I was a wireman and ran communication phone lines. |
Guestbook Entry 168 |
San Pedro, California USA - Tuesday, December 09, 2008 at 16:07:49 (CST) |

John McCorkle |

johnmccorkle@verizon.net |


Just wanted to wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving. One of the things for which I am VERY thankful is to be a part of this brotherhood. Blessings to you all. |
Guestbook Entry 167 |
Jacksonville, IL USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 07:35:20 (CST) |

Tana Shryack |

tmshryack@valornet.com |


Two years ago I posted an inquiry regarding the death of my cousin, Don Ray McIntire on Feb, 16, 1970. I promptly received messages from many of you and would like to especially thank Douglas Young, Eddie Hancock, Jim Holcolme and Rudy Cariage for their help. There is one person though that I'd really like to talk to and that is Dannie Hansen. I believe that he was Don Ray's closest friend and would greatly welcome his memories and insight. So if any of you know how to reach Dannie, I'd be forever greatful. I also have identified one of your photos of being Don Ray (I think). Its the last photo on the page from Feb. 1970 history. That one with Joe Jesus and Mike Black playing the guitar. I believe the unknown person is Don Ray. I also have a photo for your deceased section and some more biograghy for his obit. If you can tell me where and how to send this, I'll get it to you a.s.a.p. Thank you and God Bless All of You. I hope you had a great reunion in Sept. Tana Shryack |
Guestbook Entry 166 |
Rainbow, Tx USA - Sunday, November 09, 2008 at 16:19:30 (CST) |

Vicente M Santana |

docvi@hotmail.com |


Nephew of 2nd LT Frank A Leavens A member of C Co, 2/5, Sep 1965-Feb 1966. WIA Kim Son Valley 19 Feb 1966 Died 21 May 2008, Pittsburg, PA |
Guestbook Entry 165 |
Edgewater, FL USA - Wednesday, November 05, 2008 at 17:58:32 (CST) |

James R Sterling |

ricster7347@yahoo.com |


June 1970 1 Cav 2/5 C Company 1st Squad. |
Guestbook Entry 164 |
Ravenswood, West Virginia USA - Saturday, November 01, 2008 at 19:52:08 (CST) |

John McCorkle AKA Uncle Fester |

johnmccorkle@verizon.net |


Hey guys, For all of you who would like another way to stay in touch with each other and find others with whom we served, please consider signing up on Facebook.com. Right now I believe that Tree and I are the only ones I know of that use Facebook. It could be another great way to stay in touch. if you have questions, drop me an email. If you are already on Facebook, send me a friend request. Blessings to you all. |
Guestbook Entry 163 |
Jacksonville, IL USA - Saturday, November 01, 2008 at 10:37:22 (CST) |

Rance Jurevwicz Capt USA Ret |

info@veteranprograms.com |

http://www.veteranprograms.com |

WE ARE LUCKY TO HAVE A WEB SITE LIKE THIS ONE. This web site is a fantastic source for veterans who want to maintain contact with one another, learn about different aspects of the Armed Forces, and educate one self about your site information. We think so highly of this web site that we have added a link to our monthly newsletter so that more veterans are made aware of this invaluable resource. Our web site has been designed to help veterans with benefits they are eligible for today. We show you how to increase service-connected compensations and VA pensions. Also, learn about the hundreds of FREE sources all veterans can take advantage of today. Again, Thanks For Your Great Web Site. |
Guestbook Entry 162 |
Highland, CA USA - Friday, October 10, 2008 at 12:39:52 (CST) |

Charles Echols |

lifer93@bellsouth.net |


I Wonder if Cpt Adolf Carson every was assigned to Berlin Germany? The name is very familiar to me. It would have been in the early 70's. My home town friend was Floyd Lee Bradshaw was with the2/5 in 71. Two weeks after his funeral I was in Fort Jackson to start a 22 year Army stint. You have a great website and I think you for remembering Brad. |
Guestbook Entry 161 |
Ochlocknee, Georgia USA - Monday, October 06, 2008 at 15:32:13 (CST) |

Samantha Martin |

tcteditor@eritter.net |

http://www.tri-citytribune.com |

I am the editor of the Tri-City Tribune, the local newspaper in Marked Tree, AR. It was such a delight to meet many of you this past weekend. You will never know what it meant to our town to have you as our honored guests. Please stop by our website at www.tri-citytribune.com to see pictures from your visit. God Bless you all and thank you for your service to our country. |
Guestbook Entry 160 |
Marked Tree, AR USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 20:43:53 (CST) |

Doug Hendrixson |

nejjdl@msn.com |


Three comments: 1. Ditto to the previous comment by Doug Young. Ellen, Eric WAS there with us at the Memphis reunion. Many fond memories of Eric were subject of discussion. He'll always be an integral part of all our lives. 2. "Tree" -- you and the entire "Tree" family have outdone yourselves ten times over. Memphis/Marked Tree was the best reunion EVER-- BAR NONE. We all owe a debt of gratitude to your commitment, hard work and caring. 3. How can we possibly let those great folks in Marked Tree know how we all really feel about how they've changed all our lives for honoring us the way they did???? I cannot find words to describe the love I now have for that town and it's incredible people. They are absolutely the "salt of the earth." |
Guestbook Entry 159 |
Denver, CO USA - Monday, September 29, 2008 at 10:39:47 (CST) |