Doug Young |

Comanche6@gmail.com |

http://www.virtual-doug.com |

What an incredible tribute, Ellen. We will indeed remember and honor Eric - and your bravery during his illness. You, my lady, were as tough as Eric ever was in combat. God's blessings. |
Guestbook Entry 158 |
McAllen, Texas USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 15:39:59 (CST) |

John McCorkle |

johnmccorkle@verizon.net |


Ellen, May God continue to give you and your family His peace and comfort. We will insure that Eric will NEVER be forgotten. |
Guestbook Entry 157 |
Jacksonville, IL USA - Monday, September 15, 2008 at 07:19:49 (CST) |

Ellen Neumann |

hh73050@aol.com |


I have put this off for way too long and tonight seems like the right time . Eric Neumann, who served in the 1st Cav, C 2/5 from August 1968--Oct 1969 is my husband. He would, if he were able, be on a plane to join you all this week , smiling and happy and so anticipating seeing you again. You are his best friends, the men he loves most, his buddies, his brothers. But Eric will not be with you in body this time or any other time because he died last November 10. He tried so hard to get better. He was brave and valient and never stopped fighting the Agent Orange induced cancer that took him away from our family, away from all of us. I want you all to know that somehow, some way, Eric will be with you in spirit when you stand at that traveling wall in Memphis. Death is not strong enough to keep him from you, I know it. Please remember him, talk about him, cry for the loss of him and know how very much he loved you all. Find a way to make some sence of his passing, find a way to honor him and the others like him, your brothers. This will help him to rest in peace. The peace he knew here on earth was only found after he was reunited with you all in Atlanta those several years ago. You gave him whatever it was that was missing from his life for all those years. I thank each and every one of you for that, no words I could write here could express this . I have been negligent in extending my gratitude to those of you who came to help him through those terrible months when he suffered so , silently and bravely. Lonnie Branch, driving all the way up here his home to ride with Eric in that ambulance , to comfort him and make him smile. Lonnie with his gentle manner , his sense of loyalty and trust in Eric, his friendship forever. He made a huge difference, he will never know how much. Dennis Doran who came and sat with him through the chemo treatments, frightning thisgs those treatments . Dennis told him jokes, entertained him, talked to him for hours while the poison pumped into his arm and for just a while, Eric was relaxed and happy. .....Tree & Laura, who helped to keep me sane, who called and called and called and organized a campaigne of cards, letters, emails & prayers . Eric looked for them in the mail every day and you never let him down, even though he was unable to answer you, you kept sending them , calling, anything to let him know how important he was to you and how you were with him all the way. .Jim Manicucci from PA , he loved your calls, he so wanted to see you, he just was not well enough . and Tex, he worried that your illness would make you so sad, he knew and loved you so well, and Luke , the first to call and say "Anything yoiu need buddy, ANYTHING AT ALL, you got it", and he meant it, Danny, Doug, Larry----all of you , my mind is spinning, this is so hard for me to write, so if I am not saying your name, please forgive me............And Reyes, oh my God....... The day Eric was diagnosed with cancer, Reyes came to the hospital , driving several hours to get there and held my husband in his arms and comforted him as no one else could. Eric's was no longer alarmed by the news, but instead overjoyed that Reyes, the guy he shared a fox-hole with, the buddy he had missed for so long and had finally found jsut a few short years ago, was there with him once again, saying all the right things, hugging him, making it alright . Reyes came week after week, montha after month, faithful to Eric, loving him in spite of it all. On the Saturday that he died, Reyes was the last person Eric spoke to on the phone just a few hours before he was gone. The love that exists between these Eric and these men, all of you, could not possibly be taken by death. .........I believe with all my heart that he will be with you as you meet to share the joy of each other, a bond that only you understand. It is your wealth, your treasure, you legacy . I love you all, one day I will come to the reunion again and stand in place for my husband. But not this time, my heart and that of my daughters is still too fragile. But one day, one day we will meet again Ellen |
Guestbook Entry 156 |
liberty, ny USA - Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 20:16:29 (CST) |

John Taylor |

stardancersrevenge@yahoo.com |


I was with 2/5 C. Co. from 02-04 and served in Iraq with the unit. I have found this website that is a good way to find friends and stuff. http://www.troopspace.net Go check it out. I have since getting medically discharged have lost contact with a bunch of buddies. |
Guestbook Entry 155 |
Lithia, Fl USA - Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 01:42:02 (CST) |

Lonny doc Branch |

lbranch49@msn.com |


I remember a medic who called himself Needles. LZ Granite. I think you came straight to Nam from Woodstock. I also think you burned the crapper down on Granite. I have a picture of you coming out of the crapper followed by a cloud of smoke. No it wasn't pot smoke. Is that you Needles? |
Guestbook Entry 154 |
War, WV USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 08:35:41 (CST) |

Mike Doc Needles Alfe |

mikealfe@comcast.net |


2/5 Cav HHQ 1970, 15th Med 1971. 91 Charlie. I would like to hear from anyone who might remember me. Welcome home, my friends. |
Guestbook Entry 153 |
ISSAQUAH, WA USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 12:32:58 (CST) |

Ed Landin |

elandin@juno.com |


I forgot to mention the 2/5 Motto "Balls to the Wall". |
Guestbook Entry 152 |
Northridge, CA USA - Monday, August 04, 2008 at 11:16:19 (CST) |

Ed Landin |

elandin@juno.com |


I was in B Co 2/5 from Aug 71 thru March 72 when the unit came home. Your site brought back alot of memorys, I remember FB Mace, Nui ChaU Chai and of course Vu Tung. |
Guestbook Entry 151 |
Northridge, CA USA - Monday, August 04, 2008 at 11:13:51 (CST) |

Gerald D McDaniel |

slimpickens@keinet.net |


I was in E2/5 Oct. 69 to Sept.70. On Jan.5,70 "Doc" Charles T. Moore was KIA and recommened for the MOH. I would like to know who the wounded officer was that "Doc" saved and who did the recomendation for the MOH. also I'm trying to find Gabriel C. Ramirez, who served at the same time. His SOC# was active in Texas as of Dec. 2007. I can't get any further in my search. He came from Calif. Thanks G.M. |
Guestbook Entry 150 |
Lamar, Missouri USA - Monday, August 04, 2008 at 09:42:41 (CST) |

Rance Jurevwicz Capt USA Ret |

info@veteranprograms.com |

http://www.veteranprograms.com |

INCREDIBLE WEB SITE. This web site is a fantastic source for veterans who want to maintain contact with one another, learn about different aspects of the Armed Forces, and educate one self about your site information. We have added a link to our monthly newsletter so that more veterans are made aware of this invaluable resource. Also, please visit our web site in order to learn about benefits you are eligible for today. Learn how to increase your service-connected compensation and VA pension. Again, Thanks For Your Great Web Site. |
Guestbook Entry 149 |
Highland, CA USA - Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 15:45:48 (CST) |