Robert Lisenby |

robertnkathy@earthlink.net |


I just got the most wonderful letter from a high school senior in Marked Tree, Arkansas. For her age, she is so knowledgeable about what we went through and how we were treated upon return. I look forward to meeting her at the re-union. Thank you Kim. |
Guestbook Entry 137 |
Star, NC USA - Sunday, May 04, 2008 at 06:24:38 (CST) |

Les Delashmit |

lesdelashmit@verizon.net |


I was Platoon Leader for 2d Platoon during early 1969. I remember well the CA we made on March 29 to reinforce Alpha Company. After Mike's Platoon was detached to Alpha Company, my Platoon had the mission of pushing into a section of the woodline and recovering what we believed to be several of Alpha Company's wounded. Those who were there know the fire coming from the woodline was intense. Before we could reach the woodline, myself, my RTO and an M-79 gunner were hit with grenades and RPD machine gun fire. All 3 of us were hit. Other members of my Platoon were able to reach us and move us to a safe position. Eventually we were moved to the Med-evac area. I recall several Med-evac helicopters landing and departing. My next vivid memory was waking up at the 15th Surgical Hospital in Tay Ninh. I am proud to have been a part of Tall Comanche, and to those soldiers who risked their lives to pull me, my RTO and M-79 gunner to safety I say...Thank you and GOD Bless you. |
Guestbook Entry 136 |
Twentynine Palms, CA USA - Monday, April 21, 2008 at 22:21:35 (CST) |

Mike Hayes |

mjhayes3@cox.net |


There is 6-7 part video on the C2/5 St. Louis reunion on YOUTUBE.COM Go to the site and search for "Company C 2/5 Cav" and the videos will come up. |
Guestbook Entry 135 |
Southington, CT USA - Monday, April 21, 2008 at 16:00:34 (CST) |

Daniel Lewanski |

buster92047@yahoo.com |

http://www.dannesgifts.com |

I was with the C 2/5 from March thru Sept 69 in the field. 2nd squad. Then brigade intelligence from when we moved to phuc vinh then to Quan Loi. One of the guys wounded in the Dec 18-22 fighting was John Steinwert from Illinois. He was shot 4 or 5 times, and I saw him at a hospital in St. Louis and then later at home. He was doing OK. Larry Andrews was another one shot. I don't know if it was the same action. He is doing well in Illinois now. I was at Lang Vei, Khe Sanh, An Binh, French Fortress, LZ Tom, Stud, Jane, Nancy, and Hardcore. I remember Sgt. Peoples well. I was only about 20ft away from Harvey Gilliam was killed, Sgt. Peoples and I were laying as flat as we could so we wouldn't get hit with the rockets the NVA were firing. I know very few people in the 2nd platoon except who was in my squad. My nickname back then was little ski as our platoon leader was a ski(BIG SKI). |
Guestbook Entry 134 |
Valley City , Ohio USA - Monday, April 14, 2008 at 13:24:35 (CST) |

Gael Keyes |

Keyes@aps.edu |


RE: CALVIN KYRLE GRAESER Calvin Graeser was killed March 11, 1967 during the Battle of Phu Ninh-- I am his niece and my son would like to write a paper about Calvin (we called him Butch). We are looking for someone who would have served with him in Viet Nam. Thank you for this website. I read all about Phu Ninh and appreciated having some details, his letters were not very informative about his tour. He is greatly missed by his family to this day. |
Guestbook Entry 133 |
Albuquerque, New Mexico USA - Thursday, April 03, 2008 at 10:10:58 (CST) |

John M Wilson |

nancy_j_wilson@hotmail.com |


I am trying to locate men that served with my husband, John 1967-68. He was in mortarsp, went in at Khe Sahn. He has lost all addresses, photos from Vietnam. He is interested in contacting some of the men he served with. Any help will be appreciated. His wife, Nancy |
Guestbook Entry 132 |
Glennville, GA USA - Friday, March 14, 2008 at 11:38:27 (CST) |

Robert Lisenby |

robertnkathy@earthlink.net |


My Dad passed away this morning at 3:30 AM after a week in the hospital. He was 86 years old and was battling pneumonia, blood infection, and atrial fibrillation. Today is also my Mom's birthday, who passes away 20 years ago. What a present for her. For those of you that didn't know, he was a Veteran and POW from World War II with the 5th Army in Italy. What in the world am I going to tell Jenn, my daughter, who is in her 3rd week of Basic Training? Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. Robert Lisenby (Indian) C-2-5 First Cav 1970 |
Guestbook Entry 131 |
Star, NC USA - Wednesday, March 05, 2008 at 08:13:23 (CST) |

Doug Hendrixson |

nejjdl@msn.com |


Listen to this song by George Jones, honoring the names on "The Wall." http://home.comcast.net/~singingman7/TNOTW.htm |
Guestbook Entry 130 |
Denver, CO USA - Monday, February 25, 2008 at 19:11:43 (CST) |
Guestbook Entry 129 |
Jayton, TX USA - Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 08:05:02 (CST) |

Rance Jurevwicz |

veteranprograms@aol.com |

http://www.veteranprograms.com |

GREAT WEB SITE. We have added a link to our monthly newsletter so that more veterans can be made aware of this tremendous resource. Also, please visit our web site to learn about hidden benefits you are eligible for and how to increase your service-connected compensation or VA pension. |
Guestbook Entry 128 |
Highland, CA USA - Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 14:18:19 (CST) |