Jimmy |

jamesnicholls22@yahoo.com |


God Bless. |
Guestbook Entry 127 |
Arrington, TN USA - Friday, February 08, 2008 at 23:14:12 (CST) |

Robert Lisenby |

robertnkathy@earthlink.net |


If you know a WW2 Veteran you gotta watch this video. It won't be long until we are the ones they are singing about. http://www.managedmusic.com/Music/PlayBeforeYouGo.php Robert Lisenby (Indian) |
Guestbook Entry 126 |
Star, NC USA - Monday, February 04, 2008 at 06:20:51 (CST) |

Robert Lisenby |

robertnkathy@earthlink.net |


My daughter Jennifer is leaving in the morning for the Army, and I am asking you all to remember her in your prayers.We that have served know what lies ahead for her, and she needs all the love and support she can get. My Father served in WW2 with the 5th Army and was a POW for a couple of years.My son served 4 years in the Air Force during Desert Storm.Now my baby is leaving me too.I guess it is in our blood. Robert Lisenby C-2-5 Nam |
Guestbook Entry 125 |
Star, NC USA - Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 18:08:49 (CST) |

Joan and Mark Kunk |

jmkunk@embarqmail.com |


We are looking forward to the reunion in September in Memphis. Please post the Hotel info as soon as possible. I have Al & Patti Hembd's email address for Linda & Mike Hernaki. It's grnpappy@comcast.net. I would have emailed you direct, but my email is froze up. Go figure. Good luck in getting hold of Al. We hope to meet you at the reunion. Joan & Mark |
Guestbook Entry 124 |
Versailles, Ohio USA - Tuesday, January 29, 2008 at 06:57:26 (CST) |

Robert Lisenby |

robertnkathy@earthlink.net |


Looking for anyone who served with the First Cav in Nam during May 1970 through Dec 1970.I was with 2nd squad, 2nd Platoon, Charlie Company 2nd of the 5th.My webspace profile is http://www.myspace.com/robertlisenby and on this site is a listing for a First Cavalry website that has hundreds of members, maybe some people that you are looking for.My nickname in Nam was Indian, I have submitted several items to the website in the past and am still trying to locate some of my friends from there.God Bless you all and to the present forces throughout the world. |
Guestbook Entry 123 |
Star, NC USA - Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 08:38:38 (CST) |

Linda and Mike Hernacki |

lindahernacki@yahoo.com |


My husband was in Vietnam in 1968. His war buddy Al Hembd had contacted us about 3 years ago, but when I last tried emailing him about a year ago he must have changed his email address because it was returned undeliverable. We got a call from Carol DeHart about a reunion being planned in June 2008 for the 1st Cavalry of which her husband Michael was also a part of. Mike would like to hear from Al. If you read this Al, or anyone out there that knows how to contact Al, please let him know we would like to have his new email address. Thanks, Linda P.S. Mike wants to go to the reunion in Jacksonville. He is ready to face his demons. What an accomplishment. Thanks to Carol for calling us. |
Guestbook Entry 122 |
Melbourne, Florida USA - Monday, January 21, 2008 at 17:26:52 (CST) |

Doug Hendrixson |

nejjdl@msn.com |


I've been away from the web site for about 3 months (too long). I'm thrilled at the prospect of attending my 3rd Reunion this coming October. Hopefully, we'll get a little better attendance from the old FO's and Recon. Sgt's than we had in St. Louis. I wish to chime in and give my (belated) condolences to Ellen Neumann. I'm sure Eric was a real Skytrooper to the very end, and Ellen, I know you were a real "trooper" as well. |
Guestbook Entry 121 |
Denver, Colorado USA - Saturday, January 19, 2008 at 16:27:33 (CST) |

Doc Gifford |

doc.gifford@gmail.com |

http://doc.gifford.googlepages.com |

Do any of you guys remember the 3rd plt. Doc from '67? His first name was Carlos. Any information at all is greatly appreciated. |
Guestbook Entry 120 |
Leming, TX USA - Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 21:55:31 (CST) |

Willie Brown |

brown6323@bellsouth.net |


I was a Pvt-2 in the 3rd platoon, C 2-5th Cav. 1965, I still remember most of you guys that was in the unit from August 65 to May 66. They will alawys be heros to me. Best wishes to you and your family. I hope to see you in October. |
Guestbook Entry 119 |
Columbus, Georgia USA - Saturday, January 05, 2008 at 17:38:45 (CST) |

John McManus |

jcmcelt@sbcglobal.net |


Dear C/2/5 Cav. Vets, I am an author and military history professor who is researching a new book called "Grunts: The American Infantry Combat Experience, World War II through the Present" (NAL/Penguin 2009). One of the book's chapters will cover Operation Masher/Whitewing, 1966. I am looking for first hand accounts (letters, diaries, memoirs, interviews) from any C/2/5 vets of this operation. Thank you for your service in this fine outfit. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Dr. John C. McManus, Ph.D. Associate Professor, US Military History Missouri University of Science and Technology Official Historian, 7th U.S. Infantry Regiment www.johncmcmanus.com |
Guestbook Entry 118 |
St Louis, MO USA - Monday, December 31, 2007 at 11:18:43 (CST) |