Greggrey Flood |

gflood@workforcewv.org |


I would like to know if anyone served with my step father Jesse Tageant. I see his name on the website but it is misspelled in some areas. Gregg |
Guestbook Entry 107 |
Jacksonburg, WV USA - Thursday, November 08, 2007 at 12:14:10 (CST) |

Despina Williams |

dwilliams@starfl.com |


RE: CALVIN KYRLE GRAESER Calvin Graeser was killed March 11, 1967 during the Battle of Phu Ninh (See post below) |
Guestbook Entry 106 |
Port St Joe, Florida USA - Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 14:35:48 (CST) |

Despina Wililams |

dwilliams@starfl.com |


RE: CALVIN KYRLE GRAESER I am a reporter with The Star newspaper in Port St. Joe, FL. I am seeking information on Calvin Kyrle Graeser,who served with C Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th US Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division. I am currently working on a special publication commemorating the 25th anniversary of The Wall. I am including profiles of all area soldiers killed in Vietnam, and have found no one from my area who knew Calvin Graeser. The Wall website lists his hometown as Wayne, Pa., but his name is on a veteran's memorial in Port St. Joe. If anyone reading this knew Mr. Graeser and is willing to help with my project, I would really appreciate it. Please email me at the address above. |
Guestbook Entry 105 |
Port St Joe, Florida USA - Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 14:32:31 (CST) |

Gregory Gutierrez |

ggutiz@tampabay.rr.com |


I have a friend Pat Lynch , was with 2/5th Cav. in "65" and before w/ 11th Air Assault. Took the boat ride to Nam. went on to OCS after first tour , then back as a Capt. ARVN Advisor 21st Inf. Div. He is a great friend and co worker. |
Guestbook Entry 104 |
Tampa, Florida USA - Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 09:20:03 (CST) |

Victor R Beaver |

pilotbeaver@hotmail.com |


I just met Doug Young today at a Mission, TX high school and wanted to comment on how pleasant it was to chat with him about the "old days." He saw me with my grey beard and thought for sure there was someone flying a helicopter that must have been over "there." We compared notes and found we were in nearly the same location at the same time. Anyway, I am grateful for the instant camaraderie and just thought that signing this guest book would let him know. I thought, too, that I would direct him and anyone else interested to Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com to view a novel I wrote about flying helicopters in Vietnam titled "The Sky Soldiers." The bluish copy is the more current version. It speaks of flying in an assault helicopter company and then also a cav squadron. Vic |
Guestbook Entry 103 |
Harlingen, Texas USA - Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 15:52:49 (CST) |

Jason E Espinoza |

espy08@tamu.edu |

http://www.semperfi.tamu.edu |

I just completed Officer Candidate School in Quantico, VA and hopefully within a few years, I will be commissioned as a Second LT in the United States Marine Corps. For now I am with the 47th detachment unit at Texas A&M University in the NROTC program. If you are wondering why I am writing in this guest book, it is because I want to honor my Uncle, Vance "Doc" Gifford. I haven't always wanted to be in the armed services, much less in the Marine Corps. As a boy, I often entertained the idea of being a soldier, not knowing what it entails, but the more and more I hung around the adults at various family events, the more and more I knew what kind of man I wanted to be. I never had a father growing up, so I never had a real role model, but as I matured, I began to realize what kind of person and what kind of man I wanted to be. If you have had the privilege of meeting my uncle, then you would understand what I mean. You can tell a lot by the way a man carries him self, regardless whether or not he is in uniform or not. Here I am now, once again I find my self deciding on my future. I am 21 years old, I have a beautiful fiance, no kids, and no real combat experience. I am here at this stage in my life because of men like you all. I get the chance to decide if I want to serve or not. I get the chance to bash my government and talk politics with my numerous opinions because of men like you and my uncle. It wasn't your war nor was it you choice, but you answered the call and took your post regardless of those who spat in your face, or called you vile phrases, even when it seemed like a nation didn't stand by you, it was you all who stood by them. It's not the teacher, or the athletes, or moviestars, or the police men, or even the politicians that grants us freedom, it is you, it is the sons and daughters of America who have taken the courage that all of you have bravely demonstrated. I commend you all for your service, dedication, and sacrifise. I only wish to honor my uncle and all of you by serving my country and serving my men. Semper Fidelis. |
Guestbook Entry 102 |
College Station, Tx USA - Monday, October 01, 2007 at 00:34:09 (CST) |

SFC David C Hawk |

dave@dchawk.com |

http://www.dchawk.com |

Hello Gentlemen, I'm just visiting and wanted to leave a few comments. I'm currently serving on a MiTT Team (advising an Iraqi Battalion) located in Baghdad, Iraq. I just want to say that you guys inspire me and I want to thank you for all your service to our country. For a country that didn't support you when that war was going on or when you came home. I was too young to know what you went through, but now as a 30 year veteran, I understand. So thank you for your service. God Bless you all, SFC Hawk, David C. 1-1/6th IA MiTT Baghdad, Iraq Team Spectre a.k.a. Spectre-4 |
Guestbook Entry 101 |
Jacksonville, Florida USA - Saturday, September 22, 2007 at 11:42:01 (CST) |

William E ADKINS |

ad_bil@yahoo.com |


I arrived in country with an Armor MOS 11E & secondary Mortar 11C w/ Armored (APC) unit. Somehow I got into the 1st Cav and they didn't need a "mortar" MOS? At 18 I found myself with an M-16 which I had never even fired, nor qualified with as a FNG 11B. Later switched to M-14. Thanks to all in the guys that helped me survive for as long as I did. It was quite an experience both good/bad which I'll never forget. I served with C 2/5 APR 1967 - Aug 67. w/CPT. Markham as CO Squad Ldr. Jerry (Tex?) Clevenger sqd member Robert? "Parker", Ray Stottler (M79 grenadier), most others I don't/can't recall. My aplogies to those. My best recollections were of an amphibious beach assault w/1098th Boat Company. Warm Coke on standown on South China coast and watching your air mattresses get blown out to sea by the wind and trying to dig foxholes in sand, wondering how/why, and later grateful, while diving head first into the nearest hole after a scout helicopter opened fire on the two companies early in the early night hours. Standing guard on the "Rock" and wondering if you're going to get hit by a mortar flare as it falls. Flying into a "hot LZ" without any idea of what I was doing. [Remember] I was a "tanker" and I consider myself fortunate to have been a part of this great unit and regret those that didn't survive. All gave some - Some gave ALL. I salute you. |
Guestbook Entry 100 |
Las Vegas, Nv USA - Friday, September 21, 2007 at 15:15:19 (CST) |

James tree Machin |

Burgertogo@msn.com |


Its official The next C Company Reunion will be held October of 2008. We are open for suggestions and we are open for volunteer committee heads and workers. Areas to make suggestions Thursday night optional party Friday night Free pizza party Ladies Luncheon Guys only time Sat night banquette dinner and ceremony Quality food vs Cheap food Hospitality room BYOB vs Cash bar Any ideas are welcome Send to James Machin TREE 40W 374 Winchester Way St. Charles IL, 60175 630/587-6450 Burgertogo@msn.com |
Guestbook Entry 99 |
Saint Charles, IL USA - Friday, September 21, 2007 at 09:23:23 (CST) |

Doc Vance Gifford |

vancegiff@aol.com |


I am still trying to welcome home a few more of our medic brothers from the 1969 - 1970 era. Just in case someone has some info or maybe one of them stops by: Dennis Socwell, Richard Burkette, John Bauer, "Cowboy" McCauley, Jack Hermann or Lt Jim Price. Of course all of them had the unique nickname of "Doc". If anyone can help, it would be appreciated. Only one more year 'til our next reunion. Can't wait. |
Guestbook Entry 98 |
Leming, TX USA - Monday, September 17, 2007 at 15:50:38 (CST) |