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bill heffernan

I was with c co late 67 _68 started out in an the then went about death of lieutenant Roman and John Wesley two good guys rip want to say hello to everyone else before we join them God bless
Guestbook Entry 308 rahway, nj USA - Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 12:48:12 (CST)

Russell De Camp

Was with the Skinny Indian A Co 2nd and 68 69 Was at LZ Rita early 69. Would like to hear from anyone
Guestbook Entry 307 NEWPORT , NJ USA - Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 08:04:19 (CST)

Hector Rubio

I was fortunate to meet Donald Jensen at a DAV office in Corpus Christi TX today (March 6, 2015). Finding out that he had been in Vietnam as myself, i asked if he knew that we all may have been exposed to a parasite in the waters of Vietnam that after 40 to 50 years causes bile duct cancer. The VA knows this information but does not disseminate to its doctors to be in the look out for it. The VA is not telling us and we must demand to be informed. Please google these two websites: Cancer Parasite Liver VN Connection and Vietnam Vets and Cholangiocarcinoma or Bile Duct Cancer. I feel strongly that it will be on the presumptive list if we all bring attention to it and demand from the VA. I have spoken to many and am told that not until a large group (numbers) become vocal then people will listen. I hope this information will help someone with liver problems.
Guestbook Entry 306 Corpus Christi, Texas USA - Friday, March 06, 2015 at 20:12:40 (CST)

Hayden KirbySmith

Guestbook Entry 305 Kernersville, NC USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 10:49:05 (CST)

John H Calzada

Hello I am the son of Miguel aka Pepe Calzada, I am writing to inform you of my fathers passing. He was diagnosed with Cancer earlier this year and attempted to battle a fight that his body just could no longer handle. He left this earth with his family at his bed side. He was given his full military honors.
Guestbook Entry 304 Las Cruces, NM USA - Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 21:12:32 (CST)

Dave Gardiner

My name is Dave Gardiner from Kalamazoo Mi. I was a grunt with A 2/8 1st Nam from May 69- April 70. I went to St. Augustine with Jim Hillard who was killed while serving with the 2/5th in May 69. A few of the LZ's I remember are Becky, Ike, Barbara, Quin Loi etc Best to all Cav veterans who served in Viet Nam.
Guestbook Entry 303 Kalamazoo, Mi USA - Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 13:43:47 (CST)

Joe Dodson

I was a Medic with B Co. 1/12th Cav in 68/69. We were in and around the same area as you guys were. Reading the stories and seeing the monthly history sure brought back a lot of memories. I guess wasn't that much differance in the day to day life in the 1st Cav. no matter what company or Bn. you were in. Great site thanks for all your hard work and efforts. Welcome home
Guestbook Entry 302 Dallas, Tex USA - Thursday, July 24, 2014 at 14:12:15 (CST)

Jim Rea

Looking for any connections with my fellow Cav members who served with E Co 2/5. My tour was from Jan/70 - Dec/70. My backside buddies, you all were great.
Guestbook Entry 301 Skowhegan, Maine USA - Friday, July 04, 2014 at 06:00:17 (CST)

Jim Alexander

My Uncle was part of C 2/5 70-71, those who served with him knew him as Mohawk, his Name was Johnny Mack Tinney, Cpl, killed in a chopper crash 2/8/71, his was the Sgt's Radio Operator, he was in the 3rd of 5 Choppers that day, report says he was killed by a limb either when the chopper hit the tree or when the tail section broke and it fell about 80 feet to the ground.. I recently was given some pictures by my sister he sent from Viet Nam to my grandmother. I have posted them on Pinterest, my account name is Jim Alexander, the pictures are under United States Military, Viet Nam, C 2/5, Mohawk.. Some are pictures of Mohawk, some are pictures he took, maybe some of you are in the pics are know something about them. I am just a couple of years younger and I am a US Navy Vet 74-82.
Guestbook Entry 300 Port Neches, Texas USA - Thursday, June 05, 2014 at 20:47:24 (CST)

Brian Hardy

Served with "Tall Commanche" from March 68 to February 69. Was Platoon Sgt. for 4/6 from November until about the time I shipped out, leaving LZ Rita on the last bird out on Feb. 23 and to this day feel guilty about not being there with the guys when the enemy tried to overrun the LZ. My understanding is, from reading stories in the web site, that Chuck Moore was wounded along with Ken Tatham two solid dependable guys. If you are still with us, I thank you for your service. After Nam I finished up at Ft. Devens, got my degree in Journalism, got married and have two wonderful daughters. Semi-retired now and may well attend the October re-union and would like to hear from my comrades. Brian Hardy
Guestbook Entry 299 Lunenburg, VT USA - Thursday, February 06, 2014 at 13:51:20 (CST)

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