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James H Potter

Great site. I was there on 3/11/67 with D Co 2/5 Cav. Rough day. God Bless all of you.
Guestbook Entry 207 Maryville , TN USA - Friday, December 04, 2009 at 09:41:58 (CST)

Mike Kaloz

First off, Thank you all past, present and future. 2nd, My Dad was wounded on 11 March 1967 during the battle at Bong Son He was in Charlie company, 2 btln, 5th/1st. My dad is Sgt. William (bill) Kaloz. Does anyone remember him and if so, please contact me. I recently found in Newsweek magazine an uncaptioned phot of several soldiers, one of which I believe is my father not too long after being wounded. I have contacted Newsweek but have not heard anything back on verification. Maybe one of you who were there may be able to help. Thank you. Mike
Guestbook Entry 206 Lansing, MI USA - Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 16:24:26 (CST)

Steve Southern

Wow, thanks for this site. -- E company 1970
Guestbook Entry 205 Huntington Beach, CA USA - Friday, November 13, 2009 at 02:56:52 (CST)

Howard Chinn

Hey, remember Noble Lurch
Guestbook Entry 204 Burley, ID USA - Saturday, November 07, 2009 at 09:00:14 (CST)

Sean Foster

My name is Specialist Foster. OIF veteran and about to go again. So from one trooper to another thank you for your service and God bless all of you. I am looking for any information about Richard A. Rowell. C-Company 2/5th US CAV. KIA-- 11 MAR 1967 I just want to know more about him, he is my uncle. I know he was killed in the Battle of Phu Ninh by small arms fire.He was only in country for about three months. I would like to hear from anyone who knew him. My email is Thanks
Guestbook Entry 203 Boise, ID USA - Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 20:02:48 (CST)

Linda Houser Kelley

Anyone that knew Larry Fox 1st Cavalry Division, C company, 2nd battalion, 5th US Cavalry served 7/24/68 KIA 12/20/68 I would appreciate hearing from you.
Guestbook Entry 202 Canal Winchester, Ohio USA - Friday, September 25, 2009 at 06:12:44 (CST)

John McCorkle

If anyone is going to be in the area, I will be in Del Rio, TX during the week of 5 October. I will be working during the day, but, if anyone is available and close enough, I would love to get together for supper some evening. I might even buy, ha, ha.
Guestbook Entry 201 Jacksonville, IL USA - Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 15:37:19 (CST)

William Adkins

Good to catch up on what is happening with the 2/5 past and present.
Guestbook Entry 200 Las Vegas, Nv USA - Thursday, September 03, 2009 at 15:29:16 (CST)

Ray Long

anyone know the whereabouts of Sgt. "ABE" Abecrumbie, C2/5 67 or Sgt. Smith 4th platoon, WIA 67? rl
Guestbook Entry 199 Big Spring, Texas USA - Monday, August 17, 2009 at 20:23:42 (CST)

Doug Hendrixson

My heart was broken by the news of the passing of Terry Dickison. My condolences to his wonderful wife, Shirley, their son Ryan, and all the loved ones in his life. Terry told me at the Memphis reunion that he was having such a great time that he thought he'd died and gone to heaven. I know that "heaven" is an even better place with inhabitants like Terry Dickison.
Guestbook Entry 198 Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 04, 2009 at 15:44:43 (CST)

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