Hayden Kirby Smith |

hkirbysmith@gmail.com |


May God Bless all my fellow troopers, both still living & those who have died. I served in 1969 & 1970, both in the field as an 11b20 & later in the rear as driver for the division commander (Gen George Casey) who was kia in 1970 after I left. My condolences to those who gave their lives in "Nam, including Tom Strathman, Dennis Resinger, & Gen. Casey. While I was proud to serve my country at the time, I have become more critical & bitter as time passes, now viewing the whole conflict as a political operation whose purpose was not to fight to win the war. Finally, a special thanks to "Tony" Tedesco, who was responsible for getting me out of the field & in position to serve Gen. Casey in Phoc Vinh. |
Guestbook Entry 287 |
Kernersville, NC USA - Monday, December 24, 2012 at 14:26:39 (CST) |

alberto b ybarra sr |

maybarraandsons@gmail.com |

http://google.com |

am looking 1lt gary armstrong was in 2/5 an loc, same as i. very urgent, VA needs from me buddy from that era place, my claim is in appeal and wont close till i find proof that i was there during 10/70 to 9/71. |
Guestbook Entry 286 |
harlingen, tx USA - Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 11:30:01 (CST) |

Tracy Hembd |

tmhgoose@yahoo.com |


Thank you all. |
Guestbook Entry 285 |
Wheeling, IL USA - Monday, October 15, 2012 at 15:34:36 (CST) |

ek |

edkitt591948@yahoo.com |


everytime i read about lz ike d co 2/5 is never mentioned and this company all most got wiped out on june 18 and 20th in 1969. they were the company on the lz when it first got its' name as lz overrun, at the same time d co. got hit on the lz both co. in the field got hit. doesn't anyone remember d co of the 2/5 1st. air cav. they also built part of ike and it wasn't c co. alone . if c co. built this lz how come i remember watching them bring in dozers to push the jungle back and had to fill sandbags to built the bunkers? a bunch of storytellers that can't get their story straight. fill in the blanks about what really happened. |
Guestbook Entry 284 |
aspen springs, colorado USA - Monday, October 15, 2012 at 06:37:03 (CST) |

Henry DeMeritte |

hdemeritte@live.com |


Trying to contact C Co Commander 1965-66 reff SGT Chuck Ivey. Will explain reason if contacted. Solid Concrete 14 Mike |
Guestbook Entry 283 |
Woodbridge, VA USA - Saturday, September 15, 2012 at 20:26:37 (CST) |

Darin Scorza |

darins@eskc.com |


I believe my father-in-law, William B. Stout, was in C 2/5. Is there anyone I could contact to find out for sure? I have searched a number of the links on this site, but have not seen his name. He was in Vietnam from 1965-67. He never talked about his time over there. He passed away last week and we found some photos of him in the service, not sure where they were taken, but dress/uniform makes it likely over there. Thank you for any assistance. |
Guestbook Entry 282 |
Raymore, MO USA - Thursday, July 19, 2012 at 09:19:26 (CST) |

fred morrison |

fsmorrison@hotmail.com |


I had the priveledge of meeting goldie howell at church camp another nam vet who deserves my respect. A special thanks to you and the men of your unit, for the sacrifices both physical and mental. Men like you all are what made this nation free that i can raise my children in a safe place. growing up in a veterans home i learned early what vietnam veterans faced in the war and on the homefront. Dad was with 3/7 at duc pho 1967 usmc, operation desoto. I thank God often that he made it home. God bless each one of you guys. |
Guestbook Entry 281 |
indianola , okla USA - Saturday, June 02, 2012 at 16:18:22 (CST) |

George Skinner |

gbskinnerjax@comcast.net |


I just ran across the "pilots map" of the Fishook area and for the first time in my life since coming back saw the "big picture" with a bunch of LZ's I was on in "69 and '70. Can't say all the memories were good, but a lot came flooding back... |
Guestbook Entry 280 |
Jacksonville, Florida USA - Friday, June 01, 2012 at 08:10:32 (CST) |

everett wilson |

everett.wilson@us.army.mil |


I found this website to be very helpful.My father was in 1/5 Bravo Company, 1st Air Calv Division, 2nd Brigade. I wanted to thank whoever created this website. My father doesnt talk about Vietnam so it is nice to be able to read about the places and battles he was in. He was in Vietnam form Oct 67 to 1968. He told me he was at Khe Sanh and then moved to Dong Ha. I did notice there was not a whole lot about the 1/5 B Co 2nd Brigade 1st Air Calv Div. Does anyone know where I could find more information on them. v/r Everett Wilson |
Guestbook Entry 279 |
Montgomery, Alabama USA - Saturday, May 26, 2012 at 17:17:12 (CST) |

joel harvey |

joelharvey48@hotmail.com |


my name is joel havey and I was in C 2/5 march 68 to april 69 1st platoon 3rd squad. I have talk to several members of company on phone and internet lately and with be going to the 1st Cav. Association reunion in Portland, Oregon June 8th and 9th 2012 with Gary Hauser from A company who was also at LZ Jess on March 29, 1969. Will anyone from C company be there. If you would like to contact me do so at joelharvey48@hotmail.com. Another memorial day is almost upon us so I'll be thinking of you all. joel |
Guestbook Entry 278 |
Puyallup, washington USA - Friday, May 25, 2012 at 12:54:34 (CST) |