John Ojeda |

jgojeda@sbcglobal.net |


Looking for anyone that might have served with my dad, John G. Ojeda 67-70 1st Cav Div |
Guestbook Entry 277 |
Houston, Texas USA - Friday, May 25, 2012 at 09:42:34 (CST) |

Hector Velazquez |

hv4@comcast.net |


I served as a medic in 1969 at the 25th Inf.with 7/11. I was at the batallion aid station and all over TAY NINH. |
Guestbook Entry 276 |
Miami, fl USA - Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 11:18:28 (CST) |

Timothy Maynard |

Maynardtim91@yahoo.com |


My granda PFC Thomas H. Maynard served with C company 2nd B 8th Cav 1st Cav div in 65' He was k.i.a on Nov-6-65 He's mentioned in your book Plieku were he coverd an enemy grenade to save his friend even though he could of saved him selfe he was wounded and ammo was called foward so as soon as he went to resupply them a grenade fell and thew his friend and saved him. We know he was recomended for the medal of honor but dont know what happen... Any ways just trying to find any 1 who served with him.. or if you were a CHARLIE COUGAR from MAYNARD SQUARE. feel free to email Me . |
Guestbook Entry 275 |
Covina, Ca USA - Sunday, April 08, 2012 at 00:27:35 (CST) |

Jim Kenny |

jkenny1943@yahoo.com |


Was in B2/5. Looking for JP O'Conner. He was an Lt who I met in the rear several times at Phuc Vihn. |
Guestbook Entry 274 |
Lakeland, Florida USA - Wednesday, April 04, 2012 at 08:12:35 (CST) |

Lance Sumpter |

lsumpter47@yahoo.com |


I am a late comer to Charlie 2/5... My dad is a Vietnam vet, served with the 25th ID... I was born 9 months after he came back stateside. Thank you and and welcome home from a Vietnam Vet's kid. It is an honor to have been passed the torch from men like you. I served in C 2/5from 89-92. Anyway... Thanks for all you did and maybe I will see some of you at a reunion someday. |
Guestbook Entry 273 |
Leadville, CO USA - Sunday, March 25, 2012 at 16:20:18 (CST) |

Evan S Pinther |

evanesp@aol.com |


Looking for someone who served with Charles "Chuck" Sink who was killed April 26, 1969. Chuck wrote me a letter same day he was killed. I still have the letter and LZ Jess was mentioned in the letter. Thanks Evan S Pinther Senior Door gunner 114th Assault Helicopter Company Vinh Long, Vietnam 1969-70 |
Guestbook Entry 272 |
Lake Wales, Florida USA - Friday, February 17, 2012 at 14:02:26 (CST) |

John Cassie |

74nighttrain@att.net |


Served with C 2/5 from Feb 70 to Nov 70 1st platoon LT Holcombe My hats off to all that served WELCOME HOME |
Guestbook Entry 271 |
Sacramento, CA USA - Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 22:29:29 (CST) |

Jay Heitz |

apple2@fuse.net |


Served with Charlie Company 2nd of the 5th from December 1967 through November 1968. I served with very brave men. |
Guestbook Entry 270 |
Cincinnati, Ohio USA - Friday, December 30, 2011 at 23:12:04 (CST) |

mel wilkison |

mjwilki@sbllcweb.com |


Don Bees. I have been trying to locate or contact a 'Ron' Bees from Iowa. Believe you are the one I am seeking. See history on this web site, December, 1968. Assuming you are the one, you were WIA on or about 12/21/1968, on the "Hill". Please contact me at your conviniece. |
Guestbook Entry 269 |
greenwood, ne USA - Saturday, December 24, 2011 at 10:03:45 (CST) |

Don Bees |

mdbees@centurylink.net |


I just got into this website. I was in Co C 2nd Bat 5th Cav. I was in Vietnam from March 1968-Dec. 1968. |
Guestbook Entry 268 |
Clinton, IA USA - Saturday, December 24, 2011 at 06:48:05 (CST) |